Thursday, February 15, 2007

No to Crossrail hole, No to Olympics 2012 stint and hole lot of waste of public money for Big business

Today’s ‘London Olympics 2012’ stunt being staged at Ken Livingstone’s Cxxx Hall on the south bank of the Thames opposite the Tower of London, is not going to allay fears that like the CRASSrail hole project, the Olympics project is another over-hyped ply to benefit big business.

The news about London's chief self-promoter Livingstone's 'deputy', Nicky Gavron, running up huge bills in transporting herself in truly offensively indolent, indulgent style, just confirms how corrupt the entire lot at the Cxxx all is and why the community ourselves have to do what we can to stop these abusers taking the people of London for granted

The London Games [2012] operation’s main front man, Sebastian CONMAN Coe has admitted that the main costs of the infrastructure construction will be borne by the public. Only AFTER THAT will the so-called ‘private’ interests be expected to make any contributions. The truth about Big Business operations in Britain is mostly kept hidden by the licence-payers-paid-for BBC, the biggest outfit for state-suing Big Business interests and coin artistes. But sometimes, only sometimes, the truth is out even via the lying BBC. As it has flickered through the otherwise solid wall of lying and the fabrication when Coe spoke to the ‘sports’ journalists association.

The truth is even starker when it comes to the Crossrail hole Bill. The so-called parliamentary scrutiny of the 'Crossrail Bill' has been made impossible by the cravenly slavish, anti-people, anti-account ability, small-time opportunistic attitude of the bureaucracy that is the 'CrossRail Bill select committee' in the House of Commons. That bureaucracy is corrupt. That bureaucracy is against even the most moderate form of accountability to the people. That is why there has been no scrutiny of the contents fo the CRASSrail Bill. No examination of the evidence of the crassness of the Crossrail hole Bill.

That is why Khoodeelaar! WILL take legal action against that craven crass corrupt Crossrail hole Bill Select committee.

That is also why the Khoodeelaar! movement is poised to hold another series of demonstrations against the peddlers of Crossrail. Who just happen to be also peddlers of the Crass bid for 2012 Olympics.

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